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Our Nui templates includes somes utils methods to communicate with fivem resource client-side.

useNuiEvent hook

useNuiEvent is a hook designed to intercept and handle messages dispatched by the game scripts. This is the primary way of creating passive listeners.

Note: For now handlers can only be registered a single time. I haven't come across a personal usecase for a cascading event system

const MyComp: React.FC = () => {
const [state, setState] = useState("");

useNuiEvent<string>("myAction", (data) => {
// the first argument to the handler function
// is the data argument sent using SendReactMessage

// do whatever logic u want here

return (
<h1>Some component</h1>


fetchNui is a simple NUI focused wrapper around the standard fetch API. This is the main way to accomplish active NUI data fetching or to trigger NUI callbacks in the game scripts.

When using this, you must always at least callback using in the gamescripts.

This can be heavily customized to your use case

// First argument is the callback event name.
.then((retData) => {
console.log("Got return data from client scripts:");
.catch((e) => {
console.error("Setting mock data due to error", e);
setClientData({ x: 500, y: 300, z: 200 });

Visibility management

The react and vue templates include system to manage visibility of Nui frame.

You can display the frame by sending message to NUI from client-side

  sendReactMessage("setVisible", true)

After it will be intercepted in VisibilityProvider by useNuiEvent. It will set the iframe the css property visibility to visible